Who We Are

Endstate ATL is an organizing body dedicated to building alternative solutions to liberate Black people in Atlanta from State violence and dependency through an abolitionist, Black queer feminist lens. We are committed to achieving this through: mutual aid, direct action organizing, political education, and transformative leadership development.

Vision Statement

We envision a world where all Black people experience safety, autonomy and care in all facets of existence, including but not limited to land, food, wellness, housing and relationships. We seek to create communities that are politically aware and educated as well independent from the state. In our communities, we will facilitate the development of survival, sustenance and wellness skills that position us to sustainably, powerfully resist state violence and build the solutions to the problems we face.

We envision creating communities that bring the understanding of abundance into reality, rather than operating from a false scarcity mindset. We envision meeting the needs and wants of our built environment without depriving the natural environment of its resources. We acknowledge that to maintain this balance, our community must be ready to respond to capitalist and settler-colonialism attempts to exploit people and land.

We envision an Atlanta that rejects all forms of state violence, where communities all across the metro adhere to communalistic practices that seek to reduce harm, uplift a culture of trust and safety, and support each other’s material needs. These communities are politically minded, leaderful, and sustainable beyond the reach of the state.

Ultimately, we envision a new world entirely, and right now we are working to build it.


We are abolitionists

We believe in the abolition of the global prison industrial complex and all other structures and institutions propagating anti-Black violence and harm.

We organize through a Black Queer Feminist Lens

We move work and organize in community through an intersectional Black Queer Feminist lens that prioritizes the needs of the most marginalized communities.

We are anti-capitalists

We, in principle, reject capitalistic business structures that exploit people while holding the contradiction of surviving within a capitalist society. We commit to being conscious and ethical about how we obtain, manage, and share resources.

We don’t stop righteous revolution

Even if folks are using different tactics, we won't get in the way

Housing is a human right

We oppose housing as a commodity and the extractive relationship between people, institution, and land. We advocate for community control of housing and land to protect Community and move towards a sustainable and restorative relationship with land. The state will always value property over people and thus will utilize its monopoly on violence to leave our people homeless and vulnerable to protect state interests.

We believe in equitable access to quality of life

We believe our people should have equitable access to healthcare, safe and stable housing, nutritious food and representative education.

Our memory is our anchor and our roadmap

We prioritize the truth of the lived experiences of the most vulnerable and oppressed. We meet our community where they are, and organize alongside them to shift conditions and build power in ways that are meaningful based on what we know, what we see, what we remember.

We want safe and healing spaces

We want and need safe, secure, effective community spaces for Black people to be able to heal from the effects of white supremacy, settler-colonial patriarchy, and other forms of oppression.